Every one has moments in their life where it feels like a light bulb has turned on and you totally “Get it!” all the sudden. Similar to the “a-ha” moments when you feel enlightened, awakened and suddenly there is more clarity, understanding and openness to new possibilities.
The founder of Lights On – Coaching and Consulting, Lucia Griesbach, shares this story of a dream:
“When I was a child, I had a recurring dream. The dream would always start off the same. I am walking around in a dark room that feels eerie and something is not quite ‘right’. Fear starts to creep up on me, and as I am getting more scared, I start to look for the nearest light switch. Unfortunately, when I attempt to turn it on, nothing happens! I run from light switch to light switch and nothing changes. I was still in the dark. I had this recurring dream for years and each time I felt lost, scared and immobilized.
Then one day, I had the same dream, but with an interesting turn of events. The start was the same — a dark room, an attempt to turn on a light switch with no luck. But this time instead of feeling lost and scared, I felt a sense of calm. I said to myself “if the light bulb doesn’t go on, I will just open the blinds.” I reached over and opened the blinds on the window and bright rays of light from the warm sun came beaming into the room. I felt empowered and whole. ”
So often, you are so busy with your life and focused on ‘doing’ and ‘having’ that you forget that which is most important for ourselves is the sense of ‘being’. You run around ‘the dark room’ flipping light switches that don’t work and unaware that there are other options. Your focus is distracted with the busy-ness of the world. You know there’s something better but you just don’t have the clarity to know what that is.
Lucia focuses on bringing the best of you out. She guides you to connect to your inner genius and purpose so you can live a abundant and fulfilling life.
A client testimonial
Lucia is a masterful coach. She is a beacon of light showing you the way, always fully present, engaged, focused and intentional. Lucia genuinely cares for her clients. Her thoughtful manner shows in the way she guides those she works with effectively and persistently to personal transformation. She is firm in the belief that every individual is whole and capable of resolving their own challenges. Her role as a coach is to be the guiding force, uncovering a-ha moments, helping you to clarify your personal vision, and empowering and supporting you to achieve your dreams through committed and inspired actions.
Contact luciagriesbach@gmail.com